Thursday, April 23, 2020

New Facebook Status: Engaged.

Hi blog! It's been awhile hehe.

 A lot has happened in the past months; some are good and some are bad, but I'm here to tell you that yo' girl is GETTING MARRIED!

Yep!! Who would have thought, right? A year ago I'm not really sure if I want to settle down or be someone's wife but here I am know....planning a wedding. MY WEDDING! Ahhhh, still can't believe this is all happening.  I guess when you are with the right person committing to a lifelong commitment is not scary haha. After all, having someone to share your life adventures is pretty exciting.

If you must know, there's a pandemic going on and the world is a scary place to live in as of the moment. Everyone is ordered to stay home and do quarantine, social distancing is a must. Malls and other establishments are closed and the economy is going gown, some say that we are now experiencing great recession. 

This pandemic is making the wedding planning hard. Our whole life is put on hold and the whole word is in pause right now. And it's kinda devastating. 

But, I'm not here to talk about the pandemic or COVID-19. It's too toxic to tackle haha. I'm here to talk about what I realized while conceptualizing and doing my research for our dream wedding....or just mine, whatever. Lol. 


There, I finally said it. Haha! I want a classy and intimate wedding with just our families and closest friends. I don't want a big boring wedding with long program and games, I just don't think fits our personality as a couple. 

Patrick and I are very laid back, talkative, pabida and very.....weird couple to be honest. That's why I want our wedding to be like that. I want our wedding to feel like we're just hanging out and chilling with our loved ones. I want our visitors to feel like they know us as a couple, I want them to feel connected and involved. 

I want to walk down the aisle, wear a pretty minimalist white gown and get married in a church: a serene and intimate ceremony. 

I want our wedding to be on a roof top deck venue with fairy lights, acoustic music, good foods and drinks with a lot of laughter.

I want our wedding to be OUR WEDDING, iykwim. 

Everything is new to me, I've been planning for a month now and boooooy!!!! searching, inquiring and talking to suppliers is not that easy. There are some suppliers/owners who's not professional enough to give you full details and answer all your inquiries, how am I suppose to know if I want to hire you if you won't connect and communicate with me properly. Haha. 

I'm not generalizing ha, there are some shops who are very accommodating and gives full details, and I appreciate them hehe. I'm actually considering some of them because they are very organized and their packages are well-thought.

I know that this is just the start and we will face more frustrating moments but who the hell cares? Haha! Because at the end of the day what truly matters to me is that I am marrying the love of my life. It doesn't matter what kind of wedding or who are our suppliers, what's important is that we will have each other to spend the rest of our lives with. (Okay, now I'm being cheesy lol)

Anyways, I think that's all for now. I will TRY my best to update you more often and keep you updated to our wedding preparations hehe. Hoping that the next time I post here we already have suppliers and a church hehe. 

Keep safe.



PS: I am actually enjoying this wedding planning thing. Haha! To be honest I have a whole google drive folder for all the wedding prep ideas :P 

PSS: I didn't proof read this so....hehe.

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