Monday, January 15, 2018

The other girl.

I give and I give, 
but receive nothing but pain and guilt, 
for loving an unavailable man, 
and making him my only one. 

I continue to love and love, 
when I'm supposed to be mad, 
for leaving me in the dark, 
and a big hole inside my heart. 

But, you are my definition of blissfulness, 
despite the lack of time and faithfulness. 
I'll settle for any thing you could give, 
cos it's better than having to leave. 

I could give you my whole world, 
all you need to do is say a word. 
I will give you everything I have, 
if it means making your happiness last. 

Deep inside I'm suffering, 
but I'll still pick up the phone if it's ringing.
I will ignore the universe to answer your call, 
just to save you when yours is about to fall.
I will never complain, never demand, 
all I want is for you to not be sad. 
I'm always smiling, always laughing; 
cos I know once I start crying, 
you'll stop calling. 

My heart is broken into tiny pieces, 
but not once that you ever notice, 
because you already have her, 
and I'm nothing but just the other girl. 

And although my eyes are full of tears, 
my heart will never have fears, 
cause you're enough to make me at peace, 
so stay with me for many more years.

Loving you is morally wrong, 
it is breaking one of God's law, 
but I'm willing to be a sinner, 
just to have you, 
even when you're with her.


Leave me some message.


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