Friday, February 05, 2021

The married life.

So...Hello 2021! Haha! A month late but better late than never, right? 

I know...I know... I've been MIA for the last couple of months but I got the perfect excuse for that! A lot has happened since I got married and there are still a lot going on right now that needed my full and undivided attention haha I'm gonna share it very very soon but for now, let me just give you a very quick update of my new life as a married woman. 

It's been 7 months since Pat and I got married (ang bilis!) and since then we were slowly but surely adjusting and getting used to being a married couple. Being married has it's highs and lows but thanks heavens because it's mostly highs (sa ngayon hehe). Thanks to Patrick for being such a wonderful husband. You the best!!! 

As for me, I am currently not working. Pat and I decided to try and see if we can survive this YOLO lifestyle of ours without me having a full time job haha! Kiddin' aside, working in the future is still an option of course, but right now we just need to take things into consideration first and see what will work best for everyone so no pressure. One step at a time. Baby steps. 

Our life now as a married couple is sooooo different compare to the life we had back when we were just on our girlfriend-boyfriend stage. Well, number one reason is because we can't really travel right now because of COVID restrictions (i know right? when will this pandemic end). Second is that we now have bills to pay and other priorities that we need to put first before anything else. Of course, we miss travelling, going out and staying out late drinking and listening to acoustic bands but there are things now that we need to focus on and I'm 100% sure will be much MUCH more worth it than being outside having fun haha!

It's been seven months but we're still building a routine, we're still on that trial and error stage where we try to build a day-to-day scenarios and see if it will fit for our needs. The good thing about our relationship is that we don't pressure each other in doing things we're not comfortable with, we don't put each other into situations we're not gonna enjoy, we just let each other work on our own phase and adjust if necessary. 

We work on what we have and keep working on things that we want to have but we never set a deadline to when we should get it. Things will work out in the end so don't stress yourself out into getting something you're not meant to have yet. Let the universe work its magic. 

We still have a lot to prove and tons of dreams to accomplish together. There were moments when we talk about what could have happen in the next few months or if it will ever happen. We still talk about getting married in the church to have our union blessed by the Lord, things right now are still uncertain but we do hope that God will allow us to have that wedding, it doesn't matter if it's a grand wedding or an intimate one as long as all our loved ones will be there to share the day with us. 

Our journey as husband and wife is just starting and we're still new to all of this. We're still adjusting and figuring things out, we still have a long way to go before we can call this a successful marriage but as long as we are both willing to learn, adjust and compromise I know that we will survive this. 

We have a lot of things and surprises to look forward to in next few months, it's exciting, thrilling and scary all at the same time but I'm sure that it will put our relationship in the next level and push us to become a better couple and individuals.


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