Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Day by Day.

Day by day, I'm learning.
Day by day, I'm growing. 
Day by day, I'm surviving.

A lot has happened since the pandemic started, our lives turned upside down and it's safe to say that it changed us...or me. Being locked down made me realized a lot of things and forced me to slow down and cherish every second of my life. It's not easy but I'd like to think that everyday I'm learning and every day I'm surviving. 

Surviving every day is not easy, it's a lot of work, a lot of effort and tons of sweat and tears. Life is not always rainbows and butterflies, there are road blocks and dead ends and we need to accept that fact. 

I used to hate my life. I used to feel like I'm caged, unworthy and no future ahead of me. When I was younger I used to think that I'll be dead by 25 lol. But life is full of surprises, I'm on my 24th year and I'm still here figuring out life and I don't think it's ending soon. 

And this unfortunate event taught me that every second is important and having to breath easily is a wonderful blessing, a gift that we should not all take for granted. 

LIFE IS HARD as it's supposed to be because nothing worth having for comes so easily

Day by day, I'm learning. 

Learning to love my life the way it is. Learning to accept the fact that there will be challenges along the way and that it's okay to accept help from people without thinking that it's a sign of weakness. 

Learning that life is process and there is no shortcuts. It will be a bumpy one but we'll all get there. 

Day by day, I'm growing. 

Growing and becoming a better person. It may not be easy but I'm trying. I'd like to think that the changes that are happening to me are progress, I'd like to take it as a win. Changes are scary but it's the thing that we have to go through in order for us to grow and move forward. 

Being afraid of changes is totally normal, it's what keep things interested and gives us something to look forward to. 

Day by day, I'm surviving. 

It's not easy. MY GHAD every day is a struggle haha! Having to fight your inner demons and push your negative thoughts every single day is a lot of work but I'm proud to say that I am surviving. I've survived 100% of my bad days and that is something to celebrate. 

Surviving life is not a walk in the park but it will lead you to the end of the rainbow so keep walking and keep surviving life with whatever way you can. 

We all have different ways of coping up, surviving and living, it doesn't matter how, as long as you are doing the best you could that's enough. I'm not gonna lie and pretend that I'm okay and that I already figured things out because my friend, I'm still a girl trying to find a place in this world. 

I'm still figuring things out, I still have no idea what to do next with my life but that's okay because baby steps are allowed. I'll just keep going and TRY. 

One step at a time. 

Day by day. 

Walk in your own phase and enjoy every minute until you find that finish line....or just until you're happy/satisfied with your life lol

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